s it fair to say that I am stressing out I'm stationed in Iraq and they won't let me out My homeys said I was stupid for even joining My counsoller said that my decision was disappointing How she had good for good state colleges and with my good grades it wouldn't have been a problem but they don't understand the power of significance more than brilliance and certainly more than dividends and if you ask me now would i repeat it Would i fight in a war i don't believe in Well the answer is if not me where the cancer is they been doing this before Jesus of Nazereth and after all this time it is still deadly hazardous and bush isn't really being all that inaccurate When he says we're winning the war cos its staggering but thats cos we're killing everybody that we see
Everybody gotta eat but everybody doesn't which is why i want to tell you about my favourite cousin he and I grew up where the sun shines and we both partook with the gun crimes and we both liked american rap rhymes even though we didn't understand one line if you remember my line of notes in my last album I talked about a close call with a grenade I think we both must have been about 7th grade but dont panic we both survived without damage but we developed a bond like we survived the titanic but when the country became frantic my mother tried to get us out, planned it to the last detail except the plan got derailed cos there wasn't enough money for the plane tickets how bitter when my mother had to chose who to take with her so my cousin got left in the war and thats just hard to recall but now i take refuge and prayer, kinda like finding god in the phonebook it came to me sounding kinda like something from a song hook, saying
Há quanto tempo Estou sonhando acordado Quanto tempo perdido Eu perco tempo demais Nao me pergunte o que é que eu quero da vida O que é que eu quero da vida Eu tenho sede demais
Gustavo Pandolfo não gosta de falar de transição para a galeria. "São simplesmente coisas diferentes", argumenta. "Quando se tira o graffitida rua, que é de onde o vimos, deixa de ser graffiti. O lugar dele é na rua. Separamos bem as coisas. O que fazemos na galeria é diferente. Em performance é outra. Em desenho animado é outra. O graffitié apenas uma ramificação do nosso trabalho."
Vítor Belanciano, in Ípsilon
segunda-feira, 17 de maio de 2010
Life is a beautiful magnificent thing, even to a jelly fish.
Charlie Chaplin
domingo, 16 de maio de 2010
Tu, que não és senhor do teu amanhã, não adies o momento de gozar o prazer possível! Consumimos nossa vida a esperar e morremos empenhados nessa espera do prazer.
A vida é uma peça de teatro que não permite ensaios. Por isso, cante, chore, dance, ria e viva intensamente, antes que a cortina se feche e a peça termine sem aplausos.
Charlie Chaplin
quinta-feira, 13 de maio de 2010
Viva como se fosse morrer amanhã e aprenda como se fosse viver para sempre.